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love this, it's very well done, I'd honestly love to see more ps1 assets from you. overall it's very accurate to the ps1 style imo. but the first thing that came to mind with this was, the artifact that stole christmas. anyways, hope all is well


Thanks so much for the kind words! I’ve been hearing a lot of Grinch comparisons on this one and I got a good chuckle out of your comment. Maybe I should just give in and make a version with a Santa Claus hat and coat?

I definitely plan to make more models in retro styles (PS1, Quake, and Half-Life are my main inspirations). I’ve made lots of weird stuff over the years but I never really considered publishing it until recently when I realized I’ve been making so many models without ever using them for anything. Might as well share the weirdness so someone else can use them. 

no need to thank me, I was just saying that I was thinking. and I'm really happy you got a good chuckle out of my comment, it's always nice to make someone chuckle and hopefully smile, and I'd love to see it with a Santa Claus hat and coat, as long as it isn't too much. 

and I'll be making sure to follow you, and stay up to date with any new models, overall you nailed the ps1 style with this, it feels like an old ps1 game ad of some kind, something that'd pop out of a old box tv, and start speaking to you. of course, that may just be me. and If it's okay to ask, what kinda models are you wanting to upload? and what kinda weird stuff? a bowling ball with eyes? I'd count that as pretty weird too. but I'm glad you're publishing them now, they're pretty amazing, no doubt about that. and it sounds like you enjoy making some stuff, even if it's "weird" but that makes the quality so much better, as you have heart behind it, and that's what makes anything wonderful, at least, that's what I think. but thank you for your kindness on sharing such assets, it's pretty nice of you. 

side note, you seem like a pretty nice person, and overall someone who's nice to talk with, just pointing it out, as if it isn't clear already, anyways, I hope all is well, thank you for responding 


I’m not quite sure yet what I’m going to share but it will probably be either creatures/characters, weapons, or generic props. I’m a game developer mostly but I’ve been learning to make my own assets so I can do the art stuff too. I’ll probably have lots of “videogamey” stuff that I don’t end up using in my actual game and I’ll publish it here. Might also do some PSX “demakes” of some of my favorite videogame stuff but I’m not sure about the legality of that so I’ll have to figure out publishing that stuff later.

I look forward to seeing all the things you make, but have you uploaded any games for the public, I know some devs keep their games to themselves. and what kinda games have you made, or going to make? horror? weird? I'd love to check them out sometime. but it looks like it's paid off learning the art stuff, you're very talented. and like I said, I can't wait. but I'm unsure about the demakes, I've seen people make demakes a lot, such as dark souls. but hey, if you can't make a demake, you can always change everything slightly, and call it a new game, at least, I think so. but what are your favorite games? and would it be okay to share more about some of your games, or a game you're working on? like when is it going to drop, or does it focus on 3d, 2d? combot, or stealth, things like that. but anyways, thank you, and if you'd would like it keep it secret, no worries. every dev is different. just feel free to skip the question. I hope all is well, thank you again for the response 


It’s still unpublished but I’ll probably be making a page for it in the coming months. I appreciate your enthusiasm though.